If you want to read more…

Our work has been inspired by a wealth of scholarship, in Classics and beyond. Below we have highlighted some reading that we have found particularly useful, which we recommend to anyone wanting to experiment more with Applied Classics themselves. You can find some more reading suggestions on individual project pages.
General reading
- Beard, M. (2013) Confronting the classics: traditions, adventures and innovations, London.
- Caston, V. & Weineck, S.M. (2016) Our Ancient Wars: Rethinking War through the Classics, Ann Arbor.
- Chaniotis, A., Kuhn, A., Kuhn, C. eds. (2009) Applied Classics: comparisons, constructs, controversies, Stuttgart.
- Eidinow & Ramirez (2016) ‘The aesthetics of story-telling as a technology of the plausible’, Futures 84, 43-9.
- Hall, E. (2016). ‘Citizens’ Classics for the 21st Century.’ Journal of Classics Teaching 16 (32), 1-5.
- Harrison, S. & Hardwick, L. eds. (2014) Classics in the Modern World: a democratic turn? Oxford.
- Isaac, B. (2006) The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity, Princeton.
- Jones, P. (2008) Vote for Caesar: How the Ancient Greeks and Romans Solved the Problems of Today, London.
- Moore, A.J. (2017) Critical elitism: deliberation, democracy and the problem of expertise, Cambridge.
- Morales, H. (2020) Antigone Rising: the subversive power of the ancient myth, London.
- Morley, N. (2018) Classics: why it matters, Cambridge.
- Sörlin, S. (2012) “Environmental Humanities: Why Should Biologists Interested in the Environment Take the Humanities Seriously?” BioScience, 62, 9 : 788-789.
- Zuckerberg, D. (2018) Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age, Harvard.
The following online resources have also been very stimulating (among many others!):
- Eidolon: https://eidolon.pub
- Pharos: doing justice to the Classics: http://pages.vassar.edu/pharos/
- Dan-el Padilla Peralta: Why “Why Classics?” https://classics.stanford.edu/dan-el-padilla-peralta-why-why-classics
- Inclusive Classics Initiative: https://cucd.blogs.sas.ac.uk/files/2020/09/GOFF-AND-PETSALIS-DIOMIDIS-Inclusive-Classics-Report.pdf
For some more subject-specific suggestions, why not dip into some of these: they offer a taster of the kinds of work that Applied Classics can do in different areas?
War and peace
- Ambühl ed. (2016) “War of the Senses – The Senses in War. Interactions and tensions between representations of war in classical and modern culture” Thersites 4.
- Howe, T. & Brice, L. Brill’s Companion to Insurgency and Terrorism in the Ancient Mediterranean. Brill’s Companions in Classical Studies: Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Leiden
- McCarter, S. (2016) “Aeneas, My Grandfather, and the Memory of War” The Millions found online at {https://themillions.com/2016/08/aeneas-grandfather-memory-war.html} [accessed: 14.11.2022].
- Meineck, P. & Konstan, D. (2014) Combat Trauma and the Ancient Greeks, New York.
Politics, democracy, and expertise
- Simone Chambers (2009) ‘Rhetoric and the Public Sphere: Has Deliberative Democracy Abandoned Mass Democracy? Political Theory, 37(3), 323-350.
- Moore, A.J. (2017) Critical elitism: deliberation, democracy and the problem of expertise, Cambridge.
- Josh Ober (2017) ‘Delegation and Expertise’, in Demopolis. Democracy Before Liberalism in Theory and Practice. Cambridge
Race and colonialism
- Chae, Y. (2015) “White People Explain Classics to Us” Eidolon.
- Hardeep Singh Dhindsa. 2020. “What Studying Classics Taught me about my Relationship with Western Civilization”, Council of University Classical Departments Bulletin 49 (2020).
- Isaac, B. (2006) The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity, Princeton.
- Rankine, Patrice. 2019. “The Classics, Race, and Community-Engaged or Public Scholarship”, American Journal of Philology 140/2 (Summer 2019): 345-359.
- “Decolonising the curriculum: what’s all the fuss about?” found online at {https://study.soas.ac.uk/decolonising-curriculum-whats-the-fuss/} [accessed: 14.11.22].
- For further bibliography on race/ethnicity in the ancient world, look here: https://rfkclassics.blogspot.com/p/bibliography-for-race-and-ethnicity-in.html.
Gender and sexuality
- Gillies, G. (2017)“The Body in Question: Looking at Non-Binary Gender in the Greek and Roman World.” Eidolon.
- Haselswerdt, E. (2016) “Re-Queering Sappho.” Eidolon.
- Morales, H. (2020) Antigone Rising: the subversive power of the ancient myth, London.
- Zuckerberg, D. (2018) Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age, Harvard.
- Eidinow (2016) ‘Telling stories: exploring the relationship between myths and ecological wisdom’, Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning 155, pp. 47-52.
- Hulme, M. (2011) “Reducing the Future to Climate: A Story of Climate Determinism and Reductionism,” Osiris, Vol. 26, No. 1, Klima, 245-266.
- Michael McCormick, “History’s Changing Climate: Climate Science, Genomics, and the Emerging Consilient Approach to Interdisciplinary History,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLII, 2 (Autumn, 2011): 251–273.
- Pfister C. (2010) “The vulnerability of past societies to climatic variation: a new focus for historical climatology in the twenty-first century,” Climatic Change 100, 1: 25-31.