Contact us

The main purpose of ‘Applied Classics’ is to impact and benefit the wider community, from scholars in our own and other disciplines to the general public more broadly. We would love to hear what you think of our work so far, and what issues and challenges you think ‘Applied Classics’ could or should tackle next.
The future of Classics as a discipline is in all of our hands. By having conversations about how our study of classical antiquity can positively impact modern society, we can change assumptions about our subject area, addressing its reputation for being elitist and out of touch, and set a new agenda for its future direction. Our work can also draw more attention to the value and potential of the Humanities generally, to make significant contributions to contemporary society. By engaging with a wide range of audiences, bridging the gap between academia and activism, and using our learning to tackle issues of concern and help people in need, we hope to generate more conversation about the opportunities (and challenges) of citizen scholarship.
Please get in touch to let us know what you think! If you have any feedback or suggestions, you can fill in the form below or email the module co-ordinator, Alice König, on [email protected]. We would love your input on all aspects of Applied Classics, and hope that you might want to share your thoughts on some of the following questions:
- Does Classics as a discipline have a future? And if so, what?
- Which media and methodologies can best help Classicists to engage different audiences and affect positive change in the world?
- Which interdisciplinary collaborations could provide new opportunities both within Classics and between Classics and other subjects, to scale up the potential of ‘Applied Classics’?
- How can the Humanities best help address pressing modern challenges such as systemic inequalities, climate change, peace-making and the ‘cost-of-living crisis’?
- What are the challenges and potential pitfalls of citizen scholarship?