With thanks to…
We have drawn on a wide range of scholarship in our research into Applied Classics, and we have been inspired by many different examples of public history and citizen science. You can find references to our primary sources in this ‘suggested reading’ list.

Our learning journey has been enriched by a series of guest lecturers who have given up their time to come and talk to us about their experiences of developing Applied Classics projects in different contexts and media. We owe particular thanks to: Dr Andrea Brock, Prof. Emily Greenwood, Prof. Elena Isayev, Dr Carlos Machado, Prof. Helen Morales, Prof. Neville Morley, Dr Mai Musie, Dr Ruben Post, Dr Matthew Skuse, Dr Mirna Solic, Prof. Rebecca Sweetman and NMT Automatics.
We are grateful to the University of St Andrews Enterprise Education funding scheme for supporting our development of Applied Classics. And we owe grateful thanks to Mary Woodcock Kroble and Peter Woodbridge for their help with all our IT needs.